Monday, February 7, 2011

Letter From TheWhiteHouse I

In the Name of Allah. The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful    

Almight Said, For Every News There Is A Fact, For Everything There Is An Appointed Term And (TIME) You Will Come To Know. (V6:67)

  Letter From TheWhiteHouse


The chance to finally reform our nation's health care system is here. While Congress moves rapidly to produce a detailed plan, I have made it clear that real reform must uphold 3 core principles -- it must reduce costs, guarantee choice, and ensure quality care for every American.  As we know, challenging the status quo will not be easy. Its defenders will claim our goals are too big, that we should once again settle for half measures and empty talk. Left unanswered, these voices of doubt might yet again derail the comprehensive reform we so badly need. That's where you come in. When our opponents spread fear and confusion about the changes we seek, your support for these core principles will show clarity and resolve. When the lobbyists for the status quo tell Congress to hold back, your personal story will give them the courage to press forward. Join my call:  Ask Congress to . . . . . . After adding your name, please consider sharing your personal story about the  importance  of health care reform in your life and the lives of those you love. I will be personally reviewing many of these signatures and stories. If you speak up now, your voice will make a difference. American families are watching their premiums rise four times faster than their wages. Spiraling health care costs are shackling America's businesses, curtailing job growth and slowing the economy at the  worst possible time. This has got to change. I know personal stories can drive that change, because I know how my mother's experience continues to drive me. She passed away from ovarian cancer a little over a decade ago. And in the last weeks of her life, when she was coming to grips with her own mortality and showing extraordinary courage just to get through each day, she was spending too much time worrying about whether her health insurance would cover her bills. She deserved better. Every American deserves better . And that's why I will not rest until the dream of health care reform is finally achieved in the United States of America. Last November, the American people sent Washington a clear mandate for change. But when the polls close, the true work of citizenship begins. That's what Organizing for America is all about. Now, in these crucial moments, your voice once again has extraordinary power. I'm counting on you to use it.

Thank you,
President Barack Obama


I am proud to announce my nominee for the next Justice of the United States Supreme Court: Judge Sonia Sotomayor. This decision affects us all -- and so it must involve us all. I've recorded a special message to personally introduce Judge Sotomayor and explain why I'm so confident she will make an excellent Justice.

Judge Sotomayor has lived the America Dream. Born and raised in a South Bronx housing project, she distinguished herself in academia and then as a hard-charging New York District Attorney. Judge Sotomayor has gone on to earn bipartisan acclaim as one of America's finest legal minds . . .  

As a Supreme Court Justice, she would bring more federal judicial experience to the Supreme Court than any Justice in 100 years. Judge Sotomayor would show fidelity to our Constitution and draw on a common-sense understanding of how the law affects our day-to-day lives. A nomination for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land is one of the most important decisions a President can make. And the discussions that follow will be among the most important we have as a nation. You can begin the conversation today by watching this special message:

Thank you,
President Barack Obama

Jamaliah - Happy Father's Day,

I’m writing to share a special video of Barack talking about fatherhood, but first I want to share some thoughts of my own.

My father, Frasier Robinson, was the rock of our family. Although he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in his early thirties, he was our provider, our champion and our hero.

He worked tirelessly through good days and bad to make sure my brother and I had every opportunity he didn't to go to college and pursue our dreams. His example continues to guide me every day.

Barack didn't have my good fortune -- his father left when he was just two years old. But he has always been determined to give our daughters what he never had, and he values being a good father more than any other accomplishment in his life.

On Friday, Barack brought some men (and a bunch of kids!) to the White House to talk about fatherhood. Check out a video of the event: We all know the remarkable impact fathers can have in our children's lives.

So today, on this 100th anniversary of Father's Day, take a moment to celebrate responsible fatherhood and the men who've had the courage to step up, be there for our families, and provide our children with the guidance, love and support they need to fulfill their dreams.



As a Senior Advisor to the President, I'm here in Cairo, Egypt where I watched President Obama deliver an unprecedented speech calling for a new beginning for the United States and Muslim communities around the world . . . . . . We all know that there has been tension between the United States and some Muslim communities. But, as the President said this morning, if all sides face the sources of tension squarely and focus on mutual interests, we can find a new way forward . . . . . .

The President outlined some big goals for this new beginning in his speech -- including disrupting, dismantling, and defeating violent extremism. It was a historic speech, and since many Americans were asleep at the time it was given we wanted to make sure you had a chance to see it:

Majority-Muslim countries around the world are filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live their lives and see their children live better lives, just as in America.  Indeed, part of what makes America great is having nearly seven million Muslim Americans living here today and enriching our culture and communities. We can extend that kind of relationship abroad. It won't always be easy, but if we make an effort to bridge our differences rather than resigning ourselves to animosity, we can move toward a more peaceful world over time.

Thank you, 
David Axelrod 
Senior Advisor to the President


Last week, I announced United We Serve - a nationwide call to service challenging you and all Americans to volunteer this summer and be part of building a new foundation for America. And when I say “all,” I mean everyone young and old, from every background, all across the country. We need individuals, community organizations, corporations, foundations, and our government to be part of this effort. Today, for the official kick off of United We Serve, members of my administration have fanned out across America to participate in service events and encourage all Americans to join them. 

The First Lady is rolling up her sleeves and getting to work too. But before she headed out today, she asked me to share this message with you. Our nation faces some of the greatest challenges it has in generations and we know it’s going to take a lot of hard work to get us back on track. While Michelle and I are calling on every American to participate in United We Serve, the call to service doesn’t end this fall. We need to stay involved in our towns and communities for a long time to come. After all, America’s new foundation will be built one neighborhood at a time and that starts with you.

Thank you,
President Barack Obama


A few weeks ago, President Obama asked you to share your personal story about how the health care crisis has affected you and the ones you love. Hundreds of thousands of stories poured in from every corner of the country. The President and I have read through many of them ourselves – and now I'm encouraging you to do so as well.

Read these powerful, personal stories from people in your area and around the country.

And after you do, please forward this note on to as many people as you can. For folks who don't yet understand why health care reform is such an urgent priority, these stories make the case far better than any statistics ever could. For those who support health care reform but haven't yet found the time to join our campaign, these stories provide more motivation than any speech any politician could ever give. So please read these stories, pass this note on to everyone in your address book, and help us show everyone in America why fixing our broken health care system is a necessity that just can't wait !

Thank you, 
Vice President Joe Biden

Prophet of Allah, Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam Said: Three hundred fourteen (314) among those who are female, joined the AlMahdi who will act on the leader are doing wrong and uphold justice as hoped for by everyone. After that, there is no longer good on this earth is more than good at the time of AlMahdi. Sabda Nabi Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam: Tiga ratus empat belas (314) orang yang diantaranya adalah perempuan, bergabung dengan AlMahdi yang akan bertindak ke atas setiap pemimpin yang berbuat zalim dan menegakkan keadilan seperti yang diharap-harapkan oleh semua orang. Setelah itu, tidak ada kebaikan lagi dimuka bumi ini yang melebihi pada masa AlMahdi.

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