In the Name of Allah. The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Almight Said, For Every News There Is A Fact, For Everything There Is An Appointed Term And (TIME) You Will Come To Know. (Mother of the Book 'Quran 6:67)
Story From the Big Bang!
Creation of the Light of Prophet Muhammad
(peace and blessings of God be on him)
One day Sayedena Ali, karam Allahu wajhahu, asked, “Oh Muhammad, both my parents shall be my ransom, I pray you tell me what the Lord Almighty created before all other beings of creation?”
Verily, before your Lord made any other thing, He created from His own Light the light of your Prophet Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him) and that Light rested haithu mashaAllah, where Allah willed it to rest. And at that time there existed aught else.
Not the Preserved Tablets, not the Pen, not Heaven nor Hell, not the Angelic Host, not the heavens nor the earth; there was no sun, no moon, no star, no jinn nor man nor angel–none was as yet created, only this Light. Then Allah – glorified be He – by Divine decree willed the Creation to be. He therefore divided this Light of the Prophet Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him) into four parts.
· From the first part of Sayidena Hazrat Muhammad Mustapha Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him) Light He created the Pen,
· from the second the Tablets,
· from the third the Divine Throne.
Now it has become known that when the Lord had created the Tablets and the Pen, the Pen had on it one hundred nodes, the distance between 2 nodes being that of 2 years wayfaring. The Lord then commanded the Pen to write, and the Pen asked, “Oh Lord, what shall I write?”
There upon the Pen exclaimed, “Oh, what a beautiful, great name is that of Muhammad that it is to mentioned in one with Thy hallowed Name, oh Lord.”
The Lord then said, “Oh Pen, mind your manners! This name is the name of My Beloved, from his Light I have created the Throne and the Pen and the Tablets; you, too, are created from his Light. Had it not been for him, I would not have created a single thing.”

When Allah Almighty had spoken these words, the Pen split in 2 from awe of the Lord, and the place from which its speech issued became blocked, so that to this very day its nib remains cloven in two and clogged up, so it does not write, which is the sign of this great divine secret. Therefore, let no one fail in veneration and honoring of the Holy Prophet, or become lax in following his shining example, or contravene the noble custom he has taught us. { This is the secrets of Lam Alif}
18.60 And when Moses said unto his servant: I will not give up until I reach the point where the 2 rivers meet, though I march on for ages.
Then again the Lord commanded the Pen to write. “What shall I write, oh Lord?” asked the Pen. The Lord of the Worlds then said, “Write that which will be until the Day of Judgment!” Said the Pen, “Oh Lord, with what shall I begin?” Said the Lord, “With these words you shall commence: BismiAllah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim.” In perfect respect and deference, the Pen then set out to write these words upon the Tablets, and it completed writing them in 700 years.
When the Pen had written these words, the Almighty spoke and said, “It has taken you 700 years to write three of My Names; the Name of My Majesty, My Mercy and My Compassion. These blessed words I have made as a present to the nation of My Beloved Muhammad (Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam /peace and blessings of God be on him).
By My Majesty I pledge that whenever any servant from this nation pronounces the words of the Bismillah with a pure intention, I will write 700 years of countless reward for this servant, and 700 years of sins I will erase.”
Now, the fourth part of this Light of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustapha Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him) I have again divided into four parts: 700 years to write 3 of My Names; the Name of My Majesty, My Mercy and My Compassion. These blessed words I have made as a present to the nation of My Beloved Hazrat Muhammad Mustapha Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him).
By My Majesty I pledge that whenever any servant from this nation pronounces the words of the Bismillah with a pure intention, I will write 700 years of countless reward for this servant, and 700 years of sins I will erase.”
Now, the fourth part of this Light of Prophet Sallalla hu Alaihi waSallam (peace and blessings of God be on him) I have again divided into four parts:
- v From one part I have created the Throne-bearing Angels (hamalat al-`Arsh)v From the second I have created the Kursi, the Divine court (the upper Heaven supporting the Divine Throne, the `Arsh);v From the third I created all the other heavenly angels;v And the fourth part I have partitioned once more into four:
From its first part I made the skies, from its second I made the earths, from its third I made the Jinn and the fire. Its 4 part I have again divided into four parts:
v from one part I made the light upon the faces of the believers;
v from the second part I made the light within their hearts,
v imbuing them with knowledge of the divine;
v from the third the light upon their tongues which is the light of Tawhid (the Unity of Allah),

From the fourth part I made the different lights of the soul of Muhammad .
This lovely soul came into being 360 thousand years before the creation of the world,
v and it was shaped most beautifully and made of incomparable matter.
v Its head was made from guidance, its neck from humility,
v its eyes from modesty, its forehead from closeness (to Allah),
v its mouth from patience, its tongue from truthfulness,
v its cheeks from love and admonition,
v its belly from abstemiousness and other worldliness,
v its feet and knees from following the straight path,
v and its noble heart was filled with mercy.
This much-honored soul was taught with mercy and equipped with all manner of wondrous powers. It was given its message and its prophetic qualities were installed.
v Then the Crown of Divine Proximity was placed upon its blessed head, eminent and exalted above all else, embellished with Divine Pleasure and given the pure, holy name of Habibullah (Beloved of Allah). [ YA-Seen]
The 12 Veils
Allahs Dressing of The Light of Sayedena Muhammad Sallalla hu
Alaihi wasSallam (peace and blessings of God be on him)
12 is the Mirror of 21st Century,
12 Months, 12th Rabil Awal,
12 tribes, 12 Represent Completion)
After this the Lord Almighty, blessed be He, created twelve Veils. Each Month is a Dress of Allahs Tajalli on The Lights of Creation.
v The first of these was the Veil of Power within which the Prophet’s soul remained for 12,000 years, reciting Subhana rabbil-’ala (Glory be to my Lord, the Lofty). First Lunar Month Muharram etc.
v The second was the Veil of Grandeur in which he was veiled for 11,000 years, saying, Subhanal ’Alim al-Hakim (Glory be to my Lord, the All-Knowing, the Wise).
v 10,000 years he remained shrouded in the Veil of Kindness, saying Subhana man huwa da’im, la yaqta (Glory to Him who is perpetual, who never ends). Mawlid
v The 4 veil was the Veil of Mercy, therein the noble soul remained for nine thousand years, praising Allah, saying: Subhana-rafi’-al-`ala (Glory be to the Elevated, the High).
v The 5 veil was the Veil of Bliss, and therein he remained for 8000 years, glorifying the Lord and saying, Subhana man huwa qa’imun la yanam. (Glory to Him who is ever existent, who sleeps not).
v The 6 veil was the Veil of Munificence; he remained enfolded in it for 7000 years, praising, Subhana-man huwal-ghaniyu la yafqaru (Glory be to Him who is rich, who never grows indigent).
v Then followed the 7 veil, the Veil of Rank. Here the enlightened soul remained for 6000years, praising the Lord and saying: Subhana man huwal Khaliq-an-Nur (Glory to Him who is the Creator, the Light).Rajab
v Next, He veiled him in the 8 veil, the Veil of Guidance where he remained for 5000 years, praising Allah and saying, Subhana man lam yazil wa la yazal. (Glory to Him whose existence does not cease, who does not vanish).
v Then followed the 9 veil, which was the Veil of Prophethood where he stayed for 4000 years, glorifying the Lord: “Subhana man taqarrab bil-qudrati wal-baqa.” (Glory to Him who draws nigh to His Omnipotence and Immortality). Ramadan
v Then came the Veil of Eminence, the 10 veil where this enlightened soul remained for 3000 years, reciting praises on the Creator of all Causes, saying, “Subhana dhil-’arshi ‘amma yasifun.” (Glory be to the Owner of the Throne, above all else attributed to Him).
v The 11 veil was the Veil of Light. There he remained for 2000 years, praying, “Subhana dhil-Mulk wal-Malakut.” (Glory to the Lord over the heavenly and earthly Kingdoms).
v The 12 veil was the Veil of Intercession, and there he remained for 1000 years, saying “Subhana-rabbil-’azhim” (Glory to my Lord, the Sublime). {Dhul Hajj Thats why you make Haji on the 12th Month}
Thereafter the Lord created a tree which is known as the Tree of Certainty.
- v This tree has four branches. He placed this blessed soul upon one of its branches, and it continued to praise Allah for forty thousand years, saying, Allahu dhul-Jalali wal-Ikram. (Allah, Possessor of Might and of Kindness).
After it had thus praised Him with many and varied praises, the Almighty created a mirror, and He placed it so as to face the soul of Habibullah, {secrets of the number 11} and commanded his soul to gaze into this mirror. The soul looked into the mirror and saw itself reflected as possessing the most comely and perfect form.
v He remained in each sajda for 100 years, saying Subhanal-aliyyul-azhim, wa la yajhalu. (Glory be to the High, the Sublime, who ignores nothing);
v Subhanal-halim alladhi la yu’ajjalu. (Glory be to the Mild One who hastens not);
v Subhanal-jawad alladhi la yabkhalu. (Glory be to the Generous who is unstinting).
Therefore the Causer of all Being obliged the nation of Muhammad Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him) to perform sajda (prostration) five times a day – these Salat 5 prayers in the course of one day and night were a gift of honor to the nation of Muhammad Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him).
Next the Lord created a lamp of green emerald [ Bible book of revelations describes the Emerald Throne of the Heavenly King] from the Light,
v And attached it to the tree by a chain of light.
v Then He placed the soul of Muhammad Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him) inside the lamp and commanded it to praise Him with the Most Beautiful Names (Asma al-Husna).
This it did, and it began to recite each one of the Names for 1000 years. When it reached the Name ar-Rahman (the Merciful), the gaze of Mercy fell upon it and the soul began to sweat from modesty.
Drops of sweat fell from it, as many as there were to be prophets and messengers, each drop of rose-flavored sweat turning into the soul of a prophet.
- v They all assembled around that lamp in the tree, and the Almighty addressed the soul of the Prophet Muhammad Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him), “See here this multitude of prophets whom I have created from the pearl-like drops of your sweat.”
Obeying this command, he gazed upon them, and as the light of the eye enfolds the object, so the souls of all these prophets were suddenly engulfed in the light of Muhammad Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him), and they cried, “Oh Lord, who has wrapped us in light?”
The Lord answered them, “This is the Light of My Beloved Muhammad Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him), and if you will believe in him and confirm his prophetic message, I will grant you the honor of prophethood.”
Thereupon all the souls of the prophets declared their belief in his prophethood, and the Lord said, “I bear witness to your acknowledgment,” and they all assented. As it is declared in the Holy Quran:
And when God took oath with the Prophets: That I have given you of Book and Wisdom; then there shall come to you a Messenger confirming what is with you–you shall believe in him and you shall help him; do you agree? He said. And do you take My load on you on that condition They said, ‘We do agree.’ God said, ‘Bear witness so, and I shall be with you among the witnesses.’ (The House of Imran, 3:75-76)
Then this pure, holy soul took up its recital of the Most Beautiful Names again.
- v From the sweat on His face RasulAllah Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him), the Almighty created the Throne and the Divine Court,v the Tablets and the Pen, the sun, the moon and the stars.v From the sweat of his chest He created the scholars, the martyrs and the righteous believers.
From the sweat on his back were made the Bayt-al-Ma’mur (the heavenly house), the Kabatullah (the Kaaba), and the Bayt-Al-Muqaddas (the Haram of Jerusalem), and the Rauda-i-Mutahhara (the Tomb of the Holy Prophet Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him) at Madinah), as well as all other mosques in the world.
From the sweat on his brows were made the souls of all the believers, and from the sweat of his lower back (the coccyx) were made the souls of all the unbelievers, fire worshippers and idolaters.
From the sweat of his feet was made all the ground from east to west, and all that is within it. From every drop of sweat the soul of one believer or unbeliever was created. That is the reason the Holy Prophet Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him) is referred to as “Abu Arwah”, Father of Souls. All these souls gathered round the soul of Muhammad Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him), circling round him with praise and glorification for one thousand years; then the Lord commanded these souls to look at the soul of Muhammad Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him). The souls all obeyed.
v In the 1st row stood the souls of the prophets and messengers, on whom be peace; in
v The 2th row were placed the souls of the holy saints, the Friends of God;
v In the 3th row stood the souls of the believing men and women;
v In the 4th row stood the souls of the unbelievers. All these souls remained in the world of spirits in the presence of Allah Almighty until their time had come to be sent into the material WORLD.
No one but Allah Almighty knows how much time elapsed from the time of the creation of the Prophet Muhammad’s Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him) blessed soul to his descent from the spiritual world into his physical form.
It is narrated that the Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him) asked the angel Jibra'il Alaihis Sallam,
v “How long is it since you were created?”
v The angel answered, “Oh Rasulullah, I don’t know the number of years,
v all I know is that every 70000 years a tremendous light shines forth from behind the Canopy of the Divine Throne;
v since the time of my creation this light has appeared 12000 times.”
v “Do you know what this Light is?” asked Sayedena Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be on him)
v “No, I don’t know,” said the angel. “It is the light of my soul in the WORLD of the spirit,” replied the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be on him). Consider then, how immense a number it must be if 70,000 is multiplied by 12,000 !
From Mother of the Books Almighty Said,
For every news there is a fact, for everything there is an appointed term and (TIME) you will come to know. (V6 : 67)
Muslims Over the WORLD! And After Few Years, The Islam Will Be the 1st
Here is a new prophecy, in this prophecy prophet Mohummed predicted the swift spreading of Islam and that Islam would cover the whole of the earth. We will get to know this through this modern statistics regarding the number of Moslems all over the world .
Here is a new prophecy, in this prophecy prophet Mohummed predicted the swift spreading of Islam and that Islam would cover the whole of the earth. We will get to know this through this modern statistics regarding the number of Moslems all over the world .
Islam has begun with just one person; he was prophet Mohummed. The number of Muslims has become more than 1, 400.000.000 (one thousand and four hundred million) Muslims now!! what is the reason behind this astounding swift spread of the number of Muslims and what do the international statistics says about the number of Muslims nowadays ?
There are more than 4200 religions all over the WORLD (1) and the statistics says the Islam is the most widely –spread religion as in 1999 the number of Moslems reached 1200 million Muslims (2), Nowadays the number of Muslims is growing increasingly in the 6 known continents as follows: (3) In Asia, the total number of Muslims has reached 780 Millions.
v In Africa, the total Number of Muslims has reached 308 Millions.
v In Europe, the total Number of Muslims has reached 32 Millions.
v In America, the total Number of Muslims has reached 7 Millions.
The number of Muslims was less than the number of Christians in 1900, but the number of the Muslims will be more than the number of the Christians because of the great growth the Islamic religion.
In 1900 the number of Muslims went as far as 12.4% while the number of Christians went as far as 26.9%.
In 1980 the number of Muslims all over the world went as far as 16.5% while the number of Christians went as far as 30%.
In 2000 the number of Muslims went as far as 19.2% while the number of Christians went as far as 29.8%.
But in 2025 the number of the Moslems will go as far as 30% but the number of Christians will go as far as 25%.
And now we come to the conclusion that Islam is increasing at the rate of 2.9%
a year and this is the highest rate of growth in the WORLD.
Through an astounding prophetical miracle , our great prophet showed that Islam will cover the whole of the earth, prophet Mohummed Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him) said:
"Islam will go as far as day and night go" and this means that Islam will reach every part in the earth that day and the night reach and this what happened because in every country now you can find Muslims, and if we remember that prophet Mohummed Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him) said these words when the Muslims were very few in number, in addition to their weakness, also they were in conditions that were so hard that no one could expect that Islam would spread to reach each corner of the earth, we will understand the greatness of this miracle.
This hadith to Muslims - was a consolation over their weakness and their being few in number, if Mohummed hadn't been a prophet sent from God , he would not have dared to tell his companions that Islam would stretch to every corner in the earth – how could he be sure of that ?!
Only God, who knows the Unseen told Mohummed Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him)of this fact so as to tell his companions about it more than 1400 years ago and also to be a true sign of his prophethood .
Also one of the indications of this miracle is that prophet Mohummed Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him)associated the spread of Islam with day and nigh ,and as you know that day and night reach every point in the earth, Islam does that too. This was something that could not be imagined at that time. Another important scientific miracle is latent in the above mentioned words of prophet Mohummed Sallalla hu Alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him) is that no one – at that time –knew how far day and night go at that time, and no one knew at that time that the earth is round in shape and no one dared to imagine that Islam would stretch to every corner in the earth .
God says in the holy Qu'ran: "Fain would they put out the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah disdaineth (aught) save that He shall perfect His light, however much the disbelievers are averse. He it is who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the Religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religion, however much the idolaters may be averse. " [9/32-33].
After you contemplate about this verse" He may cause it to prevail over all religion," don't you think that it is a sign that Islam will be the most widely-spread religion all over the world? and this what will happen soon, God willing! Statistics says that Islam will be the most widely-spread religion in number in the year 2025 and this fact is accurate and not an overstatement.
(1) 1WORLDCommunity
(3) CAIR (Council on American-Islamic relations) (1999)
(4) Britannica Yearbook, 1997
(5) Muslim Population Statistics,
(6) Sato Tsugitaka, Muslim Societies, Routledge,UK, 2004.
Prophet of Allah, Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam Said: Three hundred fourteen (314) among those who are female, joined the AlMahdi who will act on the leader are doing wrong and uphold justice as hoped for by everyone. After that, there is no longer good on this earth is more than good at the time of AlMahdi. Sabda Nabi Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam: Tiga ratus empat belas (314) orang yang diantaranya adalah perempuan, bergabung dengan AlMahdi yang akan bertindak ke atas setiap pemimpin yang berbuat zalim dan menegakkan keadilan seperti yang diharap-harapkan oleh semua orang. Setelah itu, tidak ada kebaikan lagi dimuka bumi ini yang melebihi pada masa AlMahdi
My1WORLDCommunity The Poverty Killer
My1WORLDCommunity The Poverty Killer
Our Responsibility @GOLDMINE 1WORLD Community Should Render Back the trusts to those to Whom they Due: (@18 Group Of people) Poor People, Orphan, Single Mother, Single Father, Student, Low In Come, Jobless, Disable, Patient, Old Citizen, Prisoner, Bankruptcy, FARMER, Fishermen, RICH People, All RACES, All Country And All Government In theWhole WORLD. theWORLD for free! NewWORLDPrinciple: ASSETProperty "It's NOT For SALE, It's Not For Bought, It's FREE!: *Free House *Free Car * Free Education: College, University. *Free ELETRICAL GOODs: Air Con, PC Laptops, Home Theatre. *Free FURNITURE: Sofa Set, Bed Set, Sauna Bath, Kitchen Cabinet, Dining Table. *Free Vacation: Travelling Around the WORLD, Holiday, HAJ, UMRAH, NOW EveryONE CAN Fly, Hotels. *Free Life Insurance: (Free Hospital Fund, Free Funeral Fund, Free Death Fund, Free Pension Fund).